Do You Remember Your First CD Player?

I had owned the first of the first. I purchased the unit in 1982. It was a Sony CDP 101. It was the most obnoxious, raspy, annoying, piercing, grading, non-musical component I had ever heard.

Also, at the time, the complete CD library that was available consisted of about 15 CDs.

Now? I listen to my newest CD rig more than I listen to my turntable. My, how times have changed.

What was your first CD player and when did you purchase it?
I also purchased a Sony CDP 101 way back in 1983. However, unlike you I thought it was a quantum leap over turntables (Transcriptor Hydraulic Reference, SME 3009 and Shure V15 mk IV) and LPs. I never looked back. I also thought the CDP 101 looked great!

Now I am older and wiser (?), I have to admit, there was something magical about the old analogue sound. For instance, Dire Straits Telegraph road was simply wonerful (IMHO) on vinyl. I now have 2 CD versions, neither of which capture the fantastic sound I remember on vinyl. Is this a fact or simply old age creeping up on me?
My first CD player? In 2001 I bought a used Rega Planet. Yeah I guess you could say I held out and waited a while..
Yep! Mine was a Meridian 206B. Still have it and it is used regularly. Not as good as my vinyl front-end Platine Verdier, Allaerts MC1B and Schroeder model 2. However, still pretty musical and reliable.
An NAD 502(?) in 1985. Reasonably mediocre, but more listenable than most available at the time. I agree with Art Dudley, there are no classic early CD players.
A Radio Shack 1985 model. I still use it in my kitchen with a pair of active AR speakers.