What other Hobbies or Interests Do You Have?

I was curious as to what other Hobbies or Interests do you have that also take up much of your time, energy and money or is Audio the only one for you?
Being a car enthusiast is definitely my first passion. Always reading about new cars and lusting after some classics.

For me, besides my interest in building a Audio System in the past few years, I am also a Car Enthusiast and Amateur Photographer (actually I hate using that term, more like a photo enthusiast because I consider myself a novice).
All 3 Hobbies have taken much of my time, energy and money. Sometimes I look back and think, wow, what have I done?
Could have saved all that money and time.
So I guess I should list my gear if I am talking about other hobbies:

2016 Mustang GT 6 Speed (weekend car, a few modifications) and 2018 Subaru Forester XT (Daily Driver). Obviously both are performance oriented.

Camera Gear: Nikon D750 with Kit Lense, Nikon 50mm 1.8 Lense, Tamron 14-24MM 2.8G

Records, CD's and stereo equipment
Home Building, and Maintenance to include related stuff like plumbing, HVAC, and electric, and alternate energy
Woodworking, including tools and acquiring and restoring vintage woodworking machines
Visiting museums
Natural History
Might take up gardening again
Another cheep 1, cars....lol
My Favourites
-1971 455 HO 455 std. conv GTO
-V8 std. S5 Audi 
-winter cars / 4/4 etc.
-Antique furniture 
My hobbies are:
Live music (band)
Car Racing
'What does jerryasv do when he's not pestering Us?!"

Primary activity: Co-owner with spouse of our business, designing/building/installing custom wood play structures for mostly commercial clients, and residential ones for those who can afford us.*S*
The latter start at around 5K$ IF you're in the local area.
They're unique.
We have a commercial project pending later this year at 450ishK$ 1 hour away....we don't commute when it's that size....

Hobbies:  Well, my DIY audio stuff and periodically annoying y'all....and others 'elsewhere'.  A certain amount of time is spent 'lurking', learning when y'all get technical, having a good chuckle at y'alls' expense at other times....;)

I used to bicycle a lot, later onto motorcycles.  Since I'm 'of an age' where I've become a tad 'friable', I drive a Focus SEL like the refugee from LA, SF, and Houston that I is....
In an era of 'combat traffic'...I play 'high-speed chess'.  But I refrain from pushing my limits and that of the car.  And I'm wary of you.
'Nuff said.

Always been a fan of cars, growing up in the muscle car era.  Personal tastes in the genre' is F1, GP, rallies (EU and such)....NASCAR and Indy is boring.....sorry...but not much...

I enjoy tinkering/building things outside of the business' scope.  Speakers vs. wood makes for a nice Ying/Yang balance...  Grew up around tools; parents and older brother (all deceased) all worked at one time or another at Douglas/McDonnel-Douglas/Boeing.
"Watchin' them planes....wish I was on one...." *S*
I have aluminum in my blood, along with plastics and other exotics.
Would like to investigate 3D printing metal....but have worked with a rather varied range of tools, machines, and such.  Have a background in commercial graphics...signage, ID graphics, print medias....

Art, good food, reading, home and garden this 'n that, the occasional movie, live music if something compelling hits in the area, pestering the dog, annoying the 'red-headed dream' spouse for 40+ years (yes, she retaliates) all in good fun....

We're not much to look at...but likely, you aren't either.  So there. *L* ;)

When we're off on an 'out of area' install, we take a break and 'speed tour' wherever we are.  Sample the local foods, public arboretums, museums....

Not much of a 'conventional' sports fan....great for selling beer, cars, and whatever gets hawked in the midst of it.....

...and you're likely bored to tears....so go have a beer..*G*😆
Only one other golfer if I counted right....

Golf - trying to get more distance and hit it straight

Landscaping - trying to keep up

Boating - I have a boat

Cycling, walking, core excercise

Audio - trying to stop the bleeding

I am 4 years retired so I consider those activities to be my job and some my passion....if the market doesn’t bottom out soon working might top that list!