Ok guys

My question is this, nothing major, more of a curiosity. When playing an album does it make a difference if you leave the dust cover up or down? Probably stupid  question but hey there are lots of opinions out there
If the table has a hinged dustcover, it should be down. Look, it's your table...do what you want! I am sure that the reason that manufacturers included a hinged dustcover was so that it could be closed while in use.
Or so that it could be opened to actually place an album on the platter and then play it open or closed and see which they prefer.
Very few absolute black and white ( open and shut) cases where audio is concerned.

But the only true test is to try both ways in your own system as it could give an entirely different result in another persons system depending on a whole slew of factors outside the table and dustcover.
Lewm and unberwaltz, you can be as hard on me as you wish. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Playing records creates static electricity. Static electricity attracts dust, dust damages records, dusty records get noisier and noisier. I hate noise. I hate worn out records.
Using a Zerostat or conductive brush before play discharges the static electricity from the last play. As soon as you put the stylus down new static electricity is generated attracting dust not just on the surface but into the groove. None of this is my opinion. I promise I will put IMHO anytime it is just that. Going farther as you put your staticy record away more dust is attracted and you drag all that dust into the record sleeve. You might as well throw your records into a sand box, oh IMHO. 
I hardly ever have to clean my stylus. If you have to clean your stylus before every play your records are filthy. 
I have no idea who Kenny G is. I generally do not listen to either Rap or Pop music. My wife has dragged me into country but just barely. I like Alice in Chains, Wayne Shorter and Stravinsky.
It’s easy to try it both ways and find out for oneself.

My personal experience is it can help isolate lesser tables like many entry level tables better which is a good thing sonically and to help keep dust off things while playing.

With better isolated, heavier tables on a solid foundation I notice no real difference in sound but the dust still stays off better when the cover is on so that is a plus.

Can’t say I’ve ever noticed any down side to cover on while playing.  I've both sold and heard many turntables over the years.