Do any of you "meditate" on your music?

I'm convinced that music is perfect for meditation. The whole work of the meditation is in truly locating attention within the sound, gently relaxing into the music, noticing tones and textures, melodies, instruments, notes and all the rest. The meditating mind is one that learns to relax with the music, not straining to hear particular notes, just relaxing and allowing the mind to tune in. Increasingly simple attunement with the flowing, fluttering, singing, springing, dynamic, thumping music, has been my general approach. Unexpectedly, this frame of mind which might be known as a way of listening doesn't seem far off from what is practiced by some audiophiles, except that it moves away from much of what is critical. In this way, the music flows into the room and then it is received, simply, with relaxation. Critical reflection upon the music, which ancillary to listening, is gently set to the side. The practice of the preceding phrase is associated with building patience towards oneself.
And of course meditation can be just as effective without any religious affiliation. 
Some sound very carefully created for meditation can help....No classical or jazz will do for meditation except to help relaxation...

Meditation begins after relaxation...I look for sound near silence....For example gong music carefully crafted for that...OM or even christian mantra....And some other different and designed pieces I need to help me if I feel distress....Then therapeutic music being a rung over classical or jazz, even if some classical has therapeutic virtue for sure, is a particular area...

I use classical and jazz for decelerating or for accelerating the thinking process when already in good mood and in control of myself...

I use some sound design music specific for meditate and controlling and  nullifiying the thinking process...

And some other specifically rhythmically and melodically designed also to cure anguish, transforming any negative in positive...(With great success but only with some specific sounds).

Music is so powerful, but underestimated completely by medical establishment and educational institution, they class it a recreational activity only....( except for some very informed and experienced people in these same institution for sure)
if by meditate, you mean, relax, enjoy, kick back, listen to music, then YES!!

 nothing better after a hard day in the cold, or sun, coming home, showering, cracking a Molson, and pressing play on ,my stereo, entering another world to unwind before the sandman drifts me away, of course.

 I find nothing better than, relaxing on the couch, in my sweet spot of my speakers, pressing play on Dark angel, kreator, venom, napalm death, or jackson browne, sammy hagar, hirax, helstar, or whatever im in the mood that particular evening.

 I drift away to the music, have a couple cold ones, immerse myself in the music, and the days troubles, anxiety float away.

 so if by meditation, you mean relax, and forget the shi**y day i had, then yes, i meditate !

music is my escape from lifes unpleasantries.