Need help in trying to trace cause of distortion

I’m trying to track down the cause of distortion which occurs in the range of about two octaves above middle C (around 1000 hz-1500 hz).  I hear it it the flute most  distinctly but it must also be there in other instruments in that range.  I’d like to determine which component is the culprit.
The equipment is fairly new except for a vintage Conrad-Johnson PV-11 preamp recently examined and Teflon recapped by the manufacturer.  I suspect it is in the GoldenEar Triton 1 speakers.
The amplifier is a Benchmark AHB2. I don’t think the other components would cause this phenomenon, so I won’t list them unless requested.  It occurs no matter what source is playing.
Otherwise the system sounds fine. Does anyone have any suspicion as to what component is causing this so I can take it for repair?
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I had a similar problem... thought it was the tweeter... traced it to a shorted bypass 150pf cap in the output stage of the DAC. So it could be anything anywhere. It can only be traced by process of elimination. In my case, it was going from single ended to xlr outputs on the DAC. 
Drywall emissions, couch out of phase, the fake Rembrandt generating negative clovid modulations, heart of pine permeating postulations of positive of sine waves.
Good luck with your mystery. Please inform once solved. 

One time that I will never forget was about an unidentified noise in some music but not all. It turned out to be a nearby lampshade emitting a sympathetic vibration from some of the music. Couldn't have guessed that one. My ears spoke to me that day.