odyssey kismet monpblock

Any body have any thoughts, comments, recommendations, suggestions with respect to these


Energy RC-70s’
cerwin vega D-9’s (modded & power hungry, amp killers)

energy’s will. Sound great,
im nervous about the Vegas, I’ve clipped a handful of amps with these.  With the high current, i a hopeful!
I have Odyssey mono amps.  The are what Klaus calls "Klaus's Amps".   They have clarity with no brightness.  They are driving Harbeth 40.2 speakers.  Klaus demo's his products at many shows.  Check out Audio Circle.  His amps have received good reviews in Absolute Sound.  The amps replaced a very good Modwright amp which I now have in another system.
Finally picked up my odyssey kismet monos today
waited 15+ years for these, finally I own a pair.
Klaus said 400+ hours to break in! Wow, 400 hours? That’s nuts. I trust him, they are hooked up, powered up up, will not shut off for at least a month and a half. Playing CDs all da Y, except for night, just in on position.

 these amps are so nice, construction, parts are top tier. No garbage here!

 Looking forward to these for the next 20 years!!

 Great audio!
Owned them for for 3 years. Overall for the money a good amp. 
Pros: run very cool and only draw about 35 watts at idle, very smooth sounding amp, good detail and transparent window, able to drive low impedance speakers.
Cons: lack weight, cooler clinical sound, lack soundstage depth, hard to keep biased ( mine drifted a lot ), felt Product support after purchase was average at best, very long brake in period and must be left on constantly. 
Are they worth the money; yes they’re. Remember your paying a direct price from the manufacturer and he sometimes will cut that price a little further. The bigger question how do they compete against their peers and higher cost amps?
Do they put their peers to shame; some, but not all. Do they out perform amps costing more; maybe some, but once again not all. If he was to rely on dealer support to sell his amps you would be tacking on another 45-50% to the price.
At $6000.direct good amp for the money. At $10000. retail will hold its own against some, and mere average against the rest.
My final conclusion sums it up like this. They’re a good value for the money and you are getting your money’s worth. Are you paying less for this amp direct and getting them at a bargain of what they should sell for: no your not! They’re not going to blow away the competition at $10000-15000. Do they compete in that range; at an average level maybe?
For the money in the solid state realm they are hard to beat. I have a pair of the Kismet Reference and after talking with  Klaus I replaced all 4 of the internal fuses with Synergistic Research blue fuses which kicked their good performance up another notch. I am a tube guy but these are very listenable amps and they are very reliable.