Demo'ing Class A amps, Appreciation Suggestions from those who recently been there

I recently sold my Cary S120MKll Amp in 2 days. It was 60wpc triode.
Filling in with Pass Lab, baby DIY Class A Mono blocks. Maxing at 7 wpc.
My speakers are rated 94 Sensitivity older FSMs by Tannoy.

I have sampled so far in order of preference:

-Pass Labs XA25 -Disneyland color the way I like it. $4,900 new
-Leben 300 Int. 12 wpc. EL 84s by Golden Lion-Like an Upscale call girl. Seductive. $4,000 new-Not in the running-

-Lejonklou Boazu Int.-40wpc S.S. Class a/b-Totally Pure. Almost hurts to hear a guitar slide. $4,000 new
-Sugden Masterclass IA 4 Class A to 33wpc. Very smooth but surprisingly not a great match with my Tannoys. $6,000?

What else would you think might be worth a listen?
I want to go Solid State this time. I enjoy the Class A resolution.
Yes the Leben is an outlier someone offered and I said "Sure"! Done with hum otherwise.

I listen from a low of 60 db to high of 75 db.
Room is irregular and medium sized in terms of cubic
feet. Treated as needed.

I want an amp that is satisfying enough to keep for the long run.
Someday I may add the others for a different sound or with less efficient planars, etc.

Price range $5k max.
Used preferred.
Willing to wait.

Brands I am have not heard but read positive comments about:
Ayre, Naim, Linn

Thank you all in advance for your thoughts.
Please do not feel compelled to respond if you
have not been here in the last few years.

Pass is the best. Long term reliability with class A heat can be a problem. Pass uses excellent components which achieve 15 to 20 years of trouble free operation.  Heat becomes a very important factor with class A.  Check the warranties. 
In March I had the Pass XA25 in my system for 2 weeks running
continuously. It never become too warm to keep a hand on.
My tube amp put off 10 times the heat it seems.
I live in Phoenix Arizona.  We know something about heat. 

Pass has said they seldom see a repair issue on their gear.
Further they say that their caps are still good after 20 years.
That is a pretty solid reason to own a Pass.

They are in a state next door to AZ. Another plus.

Finally the XA25 has been marketed for 4 years now. Pass's biggest selling item. Check the Shark resale market right now. Hello New Zealand!! Price has not been raised since the inception $4,900.
As Stan used to say 'Nuff Said'
Okay. Looking over some old notes and references. Interesting, and a completely different direction from low watt.

"High Current Amplifier" with proper drive for the FSMs. 

SET or tube amps with fleawatt grunt isn’t going to cut it on those.

>>The bass driver units require some current to work effectively and sound right<<

Get this, I even found a few instances up to 250w-300w Threshold Monoblocks or high current Accuphase amps being used with FSMs. For testing old used lower cost amps, got any friends around with a recapped/restored Nakamichi PA-7 Stasis amp or Threshold lying around?

Or, closer to new, it woud take a few grand more over your budget, there is a Pass INT-250 in Peoria AZ, closer to you - listed right here on Agon. Bet this would do it. Good luck :)


Yes that is accurate and much better than my avatar, thank you.

They have a bi-wire option on the back.
No choices for different ohms there.

On the front face there is an option to operate the system
as a 2 1/2 way i/o the standard 3 way option.

If you run it as a 2 1/2 way, the impedance changes from 8 ohm to 4 ohm.

I do prefer to listen in the 4 ohm setting. The difference is the upper dual concentric speaker will roll off at the bottom of the mid range when in the Open-4 ohm-setting. When in the Closed -8 ohm-position the same upper mid-range speaker will go all the way down to the 40hz rated bottom. Unless I have this backwards which has been known to happen.

Another feature these speakers have-Three settings each
for the following items: Presence, Roll off, and Energy. 
Gotta love the Brits! Level, -3db or -3db. I use the Level Setting.

I purchased these about 18 months ago. 
I had the caps tested and replaced. One had blown.
Interior wiring upgrade. Plugged a too large compartment
connecting hole. Replaced metal tabs post connectors with stranded
copper wire.

I have had the pleasure of speaking with Kent English at Pass.
Kent has a few larger speakers on dollies. He said that in the Pass
line he felt the XA25 was the best match for my speakers. Over the 250.8 to be precise.  It seems Mr. Pass has worked for magic on this product.

Since this purchase is significant to me I want to do my homework.
Thank you for your help with this. 

I'll  chimes in for Luxman class A amps. I've owned a Luxman Class A integrated , I drove some Living Voice Avatar 2 speaker at 94db. Luxman is very well made (picture do not do their gear justice) and they have some interesting features that can be useful. I found their sound to be rather musical with no listener fatigue, Toe taping fun but yet very detailed top to bottom, but not dry lets say a nice touch of warmth but not over done. Over all very nice amps from my experience. I'd try to have a listen see if its something your interested in. 

Only Pass Amps I have ever owned were some older Alfa O's, really older now I suppose, but they were quite nice as well if my memory serves.