..LTA describes their sound as tube tone with solid state detail which I think is very accurate...
A friend who’s owned the same tube and SS amps I’ve run described his ZOTL amp the same way as you have, and LTA does on their site. And, we’ve both owned solid state amps which have "tube tone. Friend indicated his ZOTL can be "less tubey" sounding, and therefore kept a few of his tube amps to rotate in/out periodically. Been asking him to roll some different tubes in it to compare again.
The other comment on the LTA site about tube amps is... "but their “warmth masks details and can sound thick.". Yes, true for some tube amps, not all. Particularly not with more modern amps with modern power tubes like KT150s. Seems LTA/ZOTL was looking for a hybrid sound and approach. It’s great to see different approaches.
I would’n’t mind demo-testing the ZOTL40 Reference amp with my custom speakers, to see what it can do, and how different it is versus some of the more capable Class A>A/B solid state amplifiers we all know. Grew up past 40 years transitioning through very "tubey" sounding solid state Mosfet designs with dual mono torroids and really enjoyed those too. Then, on to tubes. Have great appreciation for those blending both together.
Noting you’ve owned CODA and the Rocket88, both with their own signature sounds, do you feel your ZOTL leans more to SS than tube amp sound then? If you could change the sound a bit more with your ZOTL, what would it be - if anything?