I like my Peachtree Nova300 more than my new (to me) Pass XA30.5 HELP!

I recently acquired a Pass XA30.5.  I have a LTA MZ2 on order to match with it, but in the meantime, I hooked it up to the preamp section of my Peachtree Nova300 using SE inputs/outputs.  I have Tekton Electron SE speakers and a Cambridge Audio CXC transport.  I found the sound of the Pass to be wooly, rolled off on the highs and not as clear or articulate as the Peachtree as an integrated.  There was a richness and liquidity to the sound but I lost detail and fidelity.  Am I doing something wrong?  Is the preamp section in the Peachtree not a good match with the Pass amp?  Is using the SE outputs severely compromising the SQ? I've read so many great things about the Pass XA30.5 and though it sounded good, I was kind of disappointed.  There was a trade-off with the Peachtree that I don't think I'm willing to make.  Anyone have any pointers or thoughts?

I love how people assume something is wrong if a good Class D amp beats another good amp.

They are both good amps so any thing is possible regarding preference and there is no mismatch with the pre-amp unless something is not set up right as Almarg alluded to might be the case.
adam8179 OP

Read very careful what almarg has said above 4 posts back, as I said in my post
"Your right to ask for help, there must be something either wrong with the Pass labs XA30.5 or as Almarg said the set-up you had it in."

Cheers George
Thanks for everyone's input and interest.  I have an update. My LTA MZ2 arrived yesterday and I have it installed in my system with the Pass XA30.5.  Wow!! this combo is wonderful.  All the things I found lacking using the Peachtree as a preamp are gone.  No more congested heaviness.  I don't know what to ascribe this to but I couldn't be happier.  I still think the Peachtree is a great integrated and a great all-in-one product, but now the Pass and LTA combo are in a whole other league.  I've never heard things sound so good.  There are more details in the highs with the Peachtree but the Pass and LTA are better in every other way, soundstage, timbre, presence and liquidity.  It's not that the highs aren't there, it's just a crispness that's different and may be a characteristic of class D.  I'm glad that I didn't pass judgement on the Pass amp before I got an appropriate pre-amp to pair it with