John Prine, singer, songwriter, legend - Dead at 73 from COVID-19

John Prine, singer, songwriter, legend - Dead at 73 from COVID-19

My sympathy goes out to his family, friends and millions of admiring fans. This makes me very sad. He was, by all accounts, a wonderful person. He will be missed.
Sad,sad day indeed! I can still remember hearing "In spite of ourselves" the first time.I thought who is this guy? He has to be one of the most underrated songwriters of our time.Right up there with Kris Kristofferson, Dave Carter, Merle Haggard, etc.etc. 
My favorite album,I will have to admit, was his later 2005 "Fair and Square". Oh I hate it when that happens to me! 
Fairwell and RIP.

The Mt. Rushmore of topical singer-songwriters includes Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, and, of course, John Prine. John Prine is one whose work has profoundly influenced, indeed impacted, everyone, even those who never knew his name.
I think that there are 5 separate threads active about John Prine’s passing is a testimony to how many lives he touched. I myself have not been able to get Dear Abbey and Illegal Smile out of my head.