6922 Amperex PQ White label... D or O-getter? Holland or Hicksville?

Much has been written about the Amperex 5922/6D8J/E88CC. What's the concensus about the top choice for the meatiest, richest midrange? 
I can say for sure that the Holland 7308 Amperex PQ and Philips SQ have a fuller sound from top to bottom with deep liquid mids.

Edit...very lively tubes.

I should try to remember, when describing the sound/presentation of a component, to add, ".....in my system and listening room, to my ears."
I should think that, by now, it goes wuithout saying "in my system...," yet, why bother talking at all if useful genralizations cannot be made about tubes. 
There’s nothing wrong about talking about the sound of tubes, it’s something we enjoy doing, just as long as everyone knows that their results may vary. There are some posters on Audiogon who insist that there is no difference in sound between tubes or that new production tubes always sound better than vintage tubes, for example.

Many more people read threads than actively participate in the discussion. Many of them are people who do not have experience in the topic being discussed. So it’s always good to add the qualifier, IMHO.
There ought to be an Audiogon general disclaimer page, perhaps referenced by an asterisk or numerical code (ie. pertaining to the use of the common term "best"). It's beyond tedious to have to keep returning to these qualifications.