Hunt for new floor standers

Having sold my speakers, I’m in the hunt for a new pair of floor standers. I’m stepping up my game from the PSB Silver i’s that I had for years. I’d be interested in hearing from fellow Audiogoners about their suggestions for 2 channel, audio only towers. I’d like good bass response and prefer not to invest in a sub. Having said that, high end clarity is a must as well. Currently I’m using a tubed Rogue Super Magnum 99 preamp and a SS Belles 150A Hot Rod amp. In short time I may opt out of the Belles amp but for now it’s stays. I’ve auditioned the KEF R700 and the Sonus Faber Chameleons and liked them both but I’m not sure how either would play with my rig. My budget allows for mid $2K max and I’m OK with used equipment that’s been well taken care of. Insightful input is appreciated.
With adherence to the shelter in place rule, it's impossible to audition anything, even if my area were riddled with good hifi shops- which  it  isn't. I'm sure others share my dilemma of being in the market and not able to audition. So I'm relying on opinions of reviewers and owners to help me make a decision. I've no idea how long this crisis will continue and in the scheme of things, new audio equipment is pretty low on the non essential list of things. Well...kinda. And you guys have been very helpful. I've talked with a couple of Fyne dealers and in reading about  them, the 502's look like a promising candidate. Anyone here have any  knowledge of them? How they might compare with Tannoy's XT8F's or Monitor Audio's Silver 300's?
I recently bought a pair of Fyne Audio F501s and I'm shocked by how good they sound for a mere $1800. Mine are in a small-ish treated and dedicated room and powered by a pair of Schiit Aegirs. Plenty of out put and loads of bass. The latter I calmed down with the help of a DSPeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 in my application. 
I love my Dali Mentor 6 floorstanders and I’m amazed that you can get them used for well less that $2K. Lots of bass, detailed but not shrill at all. The newer Rubicon 6s are one step closer to the Epicon series that first got me interested in Dali. You can find used Rubicon 6s for around $2.5K. 
I think the Suncoast Audio dealer now sells the Fyne brand.  Recent reviews of the smaller ones (300 series) have been very positive, and they don't seem too expensive.  Might be worth a listen.
The best bbass I ever got from a floorstanding speaker was the kef R107/2 I sold for $1000 last year including the kube. I needed the space.
Usher makes a really good product managing to be musical, easy to drive and transparent. I also had a pair of revel f52's I sold for $2k that had I had the proper amplification I may have kept... the tweeter in that speaker seemed a bit cheap. I've owned like 5 different pair of kef's and the higher up the food chain the worse they sound with average components. My q5 sounded better than my r105/3 when connected to my ht receiver. something to consider.