Recommended SET amp and speakers to 20k

Hello:  I am in the market for a SET amp, 2A3, 300b or 845, i haven’t decided yet and speakers to complement them.  My budget is 20k for both, used is fine.  If anyone has some recommendations/comments that would be very helpful.  Thanks,  Bruce
There are a lot of good suggestions, in my opinion, listed above.  I liked the Spatial Audio speaker too, and the 10" Cube Audio Nenuphar, and if you like your sound to be extremely dynamic (who doesn't) and don't mind a bit of a hard edge and brittleness, Zu speakers are in the game.  If you are looking for a warm, musical speaker that remains lively and engaging, Audio Note speakers should be auditioned.  They can work with low-powered SET amps (Audio Note sells such amps), even though they are not super efficient.

I own a speaker system where the midrange driver/horn alone is worth at least $25k, and yet, I might some day trade it in on a Charney Audio system that costs something like $17,000; it is that good.


I know someone who had the Frankenstein amps and  Zu Definition IV pairing and he was very happy.


I've heard good things about Charney speakers. Have you ever listened to the Odeon Audio speakers from Germany?


You'll get as many recommendations as you will responses. You aren't asking about a sound bar for your new TV. For that kind of $$ you need to get out and kick some tires to truly find out what you like.

For all the good your question will do in this forum, you might as well close your eyes and point to a page on the Sphile recommended components issue. Might as well start there.



I find forum threads  to be a good starting point. You get replies from people who have owned or heard products that someone is not aware of. I don't expect anyone to go  blindly  follow multitudes of suggestions  (how could they?). But one can begin to assemble information and gather data and then begin a search with some sense of direction.

If the OP does not have much exposure to SET amplifiers you have to ask questions and start somewhere. This would be followed by going out and trying to hear as much as is reasonably possible. There's so much available you will never be able to hear everything. You just do the best you can manage.



It has been a long time since I heard Odeon speakers.  At the time, I did not like the tonal qualities (coloration), but, I am now more used to, and can live with such tonal qualities.  Overall, I did like the speaker, but, not enough to buy one.  I cannot say whether I would like the system these days, given my ever evolving taste in systems.

 I own a system that uses a horn midrange, but, it does not have much of the "megaphone" or nasal quality of many other horn drivers.