It has been a long time since I heard Odeon speakers. At the time, I did not like the tonal qualities (coloration), but, I am now more used to, and can live with such tonal qualities. Overall, I did like the speaker, but, not enough to buy one. I cannot say whether I would like the system these days, given my ever evolving taste in systems.
I own a system that uses a horn midrange, but, it does not have much of the "megaphone" or nasal quality of many other horn drivers.
It has been a long time since I heard Odeon speakers. At the time, I did not like the tonal qualities (coloration), but, I am now more used to, and can live with such tonal qualities. Overall, I did like the speaker, but, not enough to buy one. I cannot say whether I would like the system these days, given my ever evolving taste in systems.
I own a system that uses a horn midrange, but, it does not have much of the "megaphone" or nasal quality of many other horn drivers.