Another sad tale, hopefully Ian can make plans and peace with the world

Very sad for sure. A friend of mine has been dealing with the same thing for a few years now. Not an easy way to live. 
We're reading more and more of these lately, but this hits hard. I have been a Tull fan since the 60's. There are many people that I hope outlive me, Ian Anderson is one of them (Dylan is another). I'm glad to know that his demise is not imminent, although he's struggling. Despite reading this, I'm hoping he lives comfortably for many more years. 
I know exactly what he is going through, was diagnosed with level 3, out of 4 COPD, 6 years ago. While it certainly limits my activity, life is still good and very much enjoyable. Enjoy the music, I know I do and remember, non of us are getting out alive.