Analysis Plus Silver Apex Speaker cable

Hi All, I am a fan of Analysis Plus for several years now. I've tried several of their cables having been generally satisfied with the upgrades along the way. I just bought a pair of the new Silver Apex speaker cables. I've been listening for about one week so far. This is definitely a dynamic cable! Sometimes with improvements comes a down side. As I said, this cable is dynamic. A large sound stage with really nice bass on the up side. On the down side, it's bright on my Snell Type B's. I know that silver has a reputation for being bright. I was wondering if it's the age of my tweeters? Perhaps a shortcoming on the now 28 year crossover? I called the company today and spoke with a rep from AP. He basically said that he wasn't familiar with my speakers so he had no advice. Nice! I asked what speakers they used to test their cables on. One set was Watt Puppies. Another was a ribbon speaker from Australia (I wrote the brand down at work and left the note there). Another set of speakers they had on hand was Von  Schweikert. Who among you are using (and enjoying these cables? Any help is appreciated. Oh ,my equipment consists of PS Audio Directstream DAC and transport, Pass Labs XP20 and Pass 250.8 amp. Cabling is AP. Thank you. Joe 
I agree with Decooney.I have AP speaker cables also and they take a very long time to settle in.In the past if I didn't like a cable after 25-50 hrs I gave up and moved on.These things are completely different and were worth the wait.Hopefully they'll work out for , and be  good match.
It does take an AA Audiophile Anonymous support group to help each other through the ridiculous 300hr wait time on these cables. :)

Would have never believed it myself, even called the cable designer and the owner of the company to pester them about this claim. Thousands of customers and musicians report the same to them, oddly enough.

The interconnects and ICs don’t like to be moved much. Similar to some of the older and more dense cables from Cardas too. After 3-4 weeks of setting and letting the cable unbind and relax helps too, new or used.

I kinda joke about it now with friends and we say, "you want to be the 3rd owner of any pair of AP cables", let the 1st and 2nd owner take the purchase hit, burn it in for you 70% of the way". Buy them at less cost, save time and money! Love them or hate them, they are interesting cables to say the least. The AP OCC Crystal Solos and Silvers are kinda similar to Cardas Clear and Clear Beyond in some ways.

Thanks for the recommendations all. I'll keep you all posted though the burn in for me will take awhile. Joe