Looking for Linear Power Supply for my Mytek Brooklyn DAC. Suggestions?

I am aware of the SBooster at 400 dollars. Any recommendations?

I do have solar but the inverter is 300+ feet away. Good right? It’s our back and not on roof. 
wsrrsw Georgehifi

I do have solar but the inverter is 300+ feet away. Good right? It’s our back and not on roof.
Better maybe you have to try, could be just lower in intensity if it were closer to the hifi circuit.
Because if you think, no matter how many different circuits you have in a house, they all eventually come back to the one active wire and one neutral wire that come in from the street.

I also use a proper isolation transformer (with gap between primary and secondary) on all my source equipment, because noise can’t jump a gap so they say.

Tried a real big isolation transformer on the power amp, it still sounded better into the wall socket because no matter what conditioning I tried on it, it always introduced a series resistance which robbed the dynamic life out of the amp, because big power amps power supplies don’t have regulated circuits in them, they need to have low esr (equivalent series resistance) power supplies. David Manley (VTL) was the one that opened every ones eyes to this way back in his book The VTL Cookbook", he called them a "stiff" power supplies, and was dead against rectifier tubes for that series resistance reason

Cheer George
I've been looking for a power supply as well and apparently the IFI power supply is measured to have less ripple and less noise than linear power supplies


Thanks for sharing the link.  I am not familiar with any of those lps brands.  Perhaps the reviewer was trying to compare similar price items?  I own and am currently using three different after market lps to replace the stock switching supplies that came with my sources (DAC, phono pre and video streamer).  They range in price from $125-$500 USD, so well above most of the units tested here.  
My power supplies came from two manufacturers: Swagman Labs in Hong Kong and Main Cables R’ Us (MCRU) in the UK.  Two of the three are significantly upgraded from their standard models, and I am using high quality power cables.  All perform at least as well as the stock switching supplies as I noted in a previous post, and two of them perform obviously and considerably better.  I would be extremely surprised if the ifi unit beat the real world performance of linear supplies from Reputable makers like Hynes, Pardo, MCRU, sbooster or Swagman.  
