How to polish Wilson Audio speaker

I've ordered a pair of very good conditioned WA Sophia 3 and I'll get it in next week.  May I know how to polish WA speaker?  Someone said use car soft max but someone said better to use piano wax.  Which is better?   

What about in normal period?   Just use 3M cloth or use wet cloth to wipe the speaker surface?

On the other hands, how to clean the drive?  By water? Use alcohol mixed with water? 

After your happy with polishing I would use Mequiars Ultimate Liquid Car Wax. Absolutely non abrasive and will make dusting easier for a very extended period. 
I’ve spent thousands of hours polishing cars...
Novus plastic polish #2 works well to remove swirls and # 1 works well to polish. These have less chemicals than meguirs etc. and in my oppinion are better to use on speakers where you want to takecare around drivers.

Griots Speed shine is my go to, to maintain a nice reflective surface.  Remember than any dust will make swirls so wipe it off carefully with a damp cloth before doing any polishing.

For cleaning drivers, again a lightly damp cloth, no chemicals, no rubbing alcohol, and be gentle.  A soft paint brush works well also.
Just polish them with what you would polish your Ferrari with, which I don't have, do have Wilsons and polish them with what I polish my GMC with. Enjoy the music