Von Schweikert VR-4SR or Revel Ultima Studio 1

Which should I get to replace my B&W N802. VSA VR-4SR v1, v2 or Revel Ultima Studio v1?
Thank you
I Tried my freind's VR-4JR in my house, both of us liked the VR-4JRs than the N802s. They sound more musical.
"They sound more musical."

Unfortunately "musical" is about the most vague, subjective word that exists in audio.

Can you define what "musical" means to you? Only then will people be able to make recommendations as to what they think you will like.

The VR4 jr is a warmer, softer, rounder sounding speaker than N802. N802 is perhaps a bit more vibrant, neutral, and definitely more dynamic.

Are you running the N80s with a sufficient amp (~600+ WPC into 4 ohms) and a big enough room (at least 350 sq feet or so)?
VS speakers are all extremely musical in my experience. I think "musical" (IMHO) generally means revealing and detailed but not at the expense of excessive analytical qualities. The OP was asking about the VR 4 Sr, not the JR. My experience with the VR4 SR Mk II is exactly that of Zman's experience above. Extremely non fatiguing and wonderful midrange for vocals, esp female vocals. Magical and captivating. And musical. But to the OP, please tell us about the rest of your equipment and provide more information that may help the rest of us help you.
Goatwuss maybe you're right more musical is not the right word to use, but my friend, my brother, and I prepare the sound of VR4jr. Yes there were sufficient power driving the speakers, a pair of Parasound Halo JC1 monos and we also tried my friend's Levinson and my brother's W4S SX1000.
Raysonic CD168 Tube CDP
Audio Horizons TP2.0 (upgraded to TP2.1) Tube Pre
Mark Levinson ML380 SS pre
Parasound Halo JC1 monos
Analysis Plus cables