speaker recommendation for 35watt tube mono blocks

I'm looking for a fun exciting speaker that will sing at any level. $1k-$3k    I'm demoing the original Klipsch Forte with Forte II mid/treble drivers and rebuilt crossover paired with old RCA amps. They're a lot of fun to blast and fill the house.  I miss however definition and detail in the imaging when sitting in the sweet spot.  It's a softer focus.  Is the Forte III also like this?    
Zu has caught my attention. 
Second jjss49.  Ref 3A de Capos. used 1000-1500.  The I series is wood the newer series has a greyish covering but upgraded tweet and woofer
Third on the Ref 3A de Capos. A few on sale here and on other audio sale sites. They are sensitive and project beautifully.
There is a pair of GR Research NX-Oticas for sale for 2500 on Us Audiomart. You may have to live close though.