Looking for closed back headphone advice

So I haven't purchased headphones in many years. I just recently updated my home stereo and am very happy with what I have. However, I'd like to relax with some headphones and I'd like to ask about some good, quality closed back headphones. My budget is around $700. There's only one audio store in town and they don't carry very much and they tend to have poor customer service. I'd like to purchase from a dealer who has a 30-60 return policy in case I don't like them and need an exchange. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!
..depends how good you want to get.....take a look at Sure Se846 CL
If you get it from Amazon, et al, you can have a 30 day free return listen
What are the most important sound characteristics you’re looking for in a headphone, and why only closed back?
I have used Stax headphones for years, most recently a pair of 009s with a Stax SRM-T1S. I love them, but missed the intimacy and isolation of closed-back phones. I found a used pair of Audeze LCD-XC phones here for around $800. They are not quite as transparent as the Stax phones, but my Benchmark DAC1 improved them. Now, I find myself listening to them more than my Stax setup. Just my two cents.