What are the sexiest components ever made?

As Enzo Ferrari had said that the XKE was the most beautiful/sexiest car ever made (his opinion, not mine).  How about high end audio products?  There have to be some that sex was thought about by the designers?  

Not the most exotic, but like a classic Mercedes or Packard,..there is a reason the Linn 12 has been around as long as it has.  Yamaha had that slanted cassette deck, and I hope you can add to this list and, if possible, add a photo. 

 I think a young Barbi Benton holding even an 8-track player would be very attractive. 
  • Chord SPM6000 Monoblock Amplifiers 
  • Cary Audio SLP-05 Preamp 
  • Cary Audio CAD805 AE (Anniversary Edition)
  • Clearaudio Reference Turntables (All Referenced models)
  • Jeff Rowland Model 13 Monoblock Amplifiers
  • Acoustic Preference Gracioso 1.0 Speakers
  • Sony SCD-1 ES CD Player top loader
  • McIntosh MR85 Tuner
  • Clearaudio Goldfinger Statement Cartridge 
This to name a few. All was regarded as sexy pieces in various articles
Quad ESL 57s - and they are theft proof as well unless you are unlucky enough to be burgled by the radiant heater thief.
What an easy question to answer...  the sexiest components ever made are boob implants.  Case closed.
Tandberg. I had the 3001a and 3011a tuners, the 3008a and 3018a preamps, the 3026a amp, the 2075and 2045 receivers, the 3014 and 3014a cassette decks.