Which speakers?

I am going to set up a second system for listening only. The majority of use will be for cd's, largely classical and instrumental, and jazz. My hearing is not what it was and will continue to deteriorate,(genetic), so there is no point in a mega bucks system; the nuances of which I will not be able to discern. I have read reviews on both sides of the fence for Paradigm. I mention these because they would be in the price range I would consider. What else should I consider? Amp and CD system would be digital.
Thanks. Jim
For largely classical, instrumental, and jazz I would look at the Alon speakers that come up for sale here. They are so cheap but have a very musical sound, open, airy, with good bass. They are also very dynamic and sound very good with a cheap NAD SS power amp or a high end tube amp. Cannot go wrong for the used prices.

Happy Listening.
You would enjoy the Triangle Celius, or even maybe more so the less expensive Altea. Very open, natural top to bottom presentation.
I agree Triangle should be a very good choice for someone who has hearing difficulties. They are easy to drive, exceptionally clean, crisp, clear balanced and spacious top to bottom .
not knowing anything about your hearing would it be worthwhile to consider good headphones? you could control the environment better and keep outside noise out. cheaper as well.
For a second system you might want to consider a pair of powered speakers like the Audioengine 5. I find find them to be very good for that role and with just a cd player you are all set.