Streamer Value Question Innous vs Bluesound

I am ready to try streaming again after my 1st failed effort.
I had owned the basic Roon streamer. 

I plan to use the Roon with Tidal service but not
the Roon hardware this time around.

I am now comparing the Innuos Zen Mini @ $1,250 v.s. the
Bluesound Vault 2i @ $1,295. 

The better Innuos is about $4,400.
If you add the reclocker and linear power supply to
 the Mini you are also getting closer to $4k.

Now here is my thought: Buy the Vault and plan to find
a DAC upgrade- currently I have an Oppo 205.
This will bring me the better SQ result overall I think.

What have others found?

I would add the TEAC NT-505 to your list.  You won't have to (and can't) use an external DAC.  It comes with a very good DAC, does MQA, Roon, all that good stuff.
Don’t want to sound like a broken record (pun almost intended relative to this general forum!) but why not consider the surprisingly good RPi based Allo Digione (or Digione Signature)? It can stream most everything mentioned here, can be easily equipped with a LPS, and had been (considered) to outperform the bluesound nodes in at least a couple of reviews. Well, I think Darko still makes that assertion, at least. With every new DAC upgrade I’ve made, it just keeps surprising me. It would take a big budget jump from this particular RPi platform before overtaking it.
Otherwise, SOtM then Lumin stuff seem to be really great for the $$$.

"So the streamer does in fact
have an audible impact on SQ as most other components?"

I don't think so. But the DAC does. I happily switch between Node 2i, (portable player) Fiio M11 (with SPDIF out), or an old laptop. I just need them to deliver FLAC file bits to the DAC, RME ADI-2 DAC FS, in my case. Only difference is ergonomics, interfaces, and where do I have what music; files on disk vs Qobuz/Tidal that both Node 2i and Fiio can access on WiFi. The real sound-maker is the DAC. I pump the bits to the DAC with reasonable but inexpensive coax and optical cables.
Node 2i and the RME cost me some $1,600 together, new. The RME's DAC does sound better than what comes with Node 2i, and it allows me to use balanced cables (again inexpensive) to the amp. It also sports very good headphone amp. I can't imagine spending more on streamers, etc. -- all that they need to do is to pass on the bits of the digitized audio. And BTW -- I am getting spectacular sound!
I would go with Highpeakriders option as its nearly what I have here.Nucs are really convenient and have a range of options. Adding a good DAC and NAS storage gives you better control of your files.
Ghjuvanni: you’re making a claim that the streamer doesn’t make a difference. Fine, but you’re also using 3 examples that are all relatively simple and are budget driven solutions - and unlikely to reveal differences.  As stated before, I found at least as much difference between servers as in DACs. The difference wasn’t in tonality, but in spaciousness and detail - musicality. And, the difference wasn’t subtle.  Perhaps you could  try a better unit and see if it was a good value for the performance (if any) improvement. Of course, it doesn’t matter to me one bit that you may not want to explore this to see if it makes a difference worth spending $ on.  But, you’re also suggesting to another forum participant that there’s really not a difference - without relevant experience - at least that you’ve revealed.  We all have opinions.  Myself included.  But opinions are better received and more helpful when backed up by experience, not speculation.  So, if you’ve invested a decent amount of time and $ in your system - try a better server.  And, then come back and tell us your experience - good or bad.