2k to 4k Streaming DAC

I have a Anthem STR Integrated amp with floor standing Focal Aria 936 speakers. I have been using a Oppo BD-105 for streaming Tidal via XLR. I had a Pro-Ject Pre Box 2 Digital that I hooked up to the Anthem via RCA out and used a laptop to stream Tidal Masters and it sounded a whole lot better. I want to use an ipad to stream Tidal MQA files and think a new DAC with streaming would do that. I have read about Mytek and Element X.Are there others I should look at.
You mentioned you were already aware of / looking at Mytek. Just to reinforce that idea I recently upgraded from a Blusound Node 2 to the Mytek Manhattan with internal network (streaming) card and I couldn’t be happier.  This option is a little above your proposed price point so maybe it’s not for you. It is currently on sale through Mytek for $300 off list with a free network card thrown in so $5700 for what would normally cost $7300. I can’t fully describe the increase in SQ other than to say it is immense. 
Buying a separate streamer and DAC opens up a ton more choices on both fronts and increases flexibility going forward as tech evolves.  Personally, I’d have to be extremely space constrained to even entertain limiting my options so severely.  My $0.02 and fwiw.  Best of luck in your search. 
I'm thinking that is what I want to do. I'm thinking about the Auralic Aries G2.1 and seeing how it first sounds through my Anthem STR Integrated amp. I can always add a DAC later. Any other streamers I should look at. 4k to 5k would be my limit. I like that I can rip all my CD to the Auralic.