All New Pure Audio ONE Integrated Amp Reviewed!

This could be one of the finest Class A Integrated amps to come on the world market!

Not connected with this company in any way
The review mentions first watt which to me is nothing special at all.  We built a clone of a first watt which easily sounded much better.  100WPC class A is easy to make but difficult to sound great.  I don't see the inside so hard to tell how the ting is built but the reviewer says well built?  So the review to me is comparing this product to other products that IMO are not even average.  If you want a great sounding Class A amp go buy an old Luxkit and enjoy.

Happy Listening. 
I really dislike the mesh on the front and agree terrible use of the back panel those rca connectors are too close. But if it sounds good that's really all that matters.