8 track tape vs 1st press vinyl

Sam here and the fact that 8 track tape is a tape to tape transfer from the master reel to reel tape gives it the edge as far as overall tone and soundstage although vinyl has a wider stereo image it sounds more 2d than 8track 3d soundstage in my opinion. 
I'm 71, been there, done that. I only drive convertibles (after 25 years of station wagons), and I still have an 8T player in my home system, and a few tapes, for fun/history actually.

When Cassettes were blowing 8 tracks to the curb, I could buy 6 8T's for $5.00, with tax about $0.88 each. I decided, I'll buy 5 every payday, specifically music I would never risk any real money on, things that caught my curiosity, then when the kids are out of the house, I'll discover ... Didn't know the pressure pads would all rot. Oh well. 
sam here and i realize 8 tracks had  negative side effects like audio bleed in from other channels along with drop outs however i'm talking about the fact that a good 8 track tape sounded much more alive than 1st press vinyl and you could hear and feel that. listen to this audio sample of the lead solo from steely dans kid charlemagne (1976) 1st press vinyl into 8 track tape let your ears expose the truth friends. 1 sample 2 versions.

But what about the dreaded middle of the song track transfer?

Air guitar solo interrupted, then a couple bars must be repeated!
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Speaking of 8 Track tapes - do they still make book matches?

Not certain if I could still remember which matchbook to place where for each tape.
