Tone controls? Sorry about the heresy.

I need tone controls! Too much of the music I listen to needs it. A lot of 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's rock. Some acoustic music. Who makes excellent preamps with tone controls OR what other box can I use that won't degrade the sound too much? Currently use a PS Audio 4.5, Adcom GFA-555II, JPW speakers.
The Schiit Loki EQ didn’t exist 11 years ago when this thread was started, but it does now and it’s an amazing little thing
+1 for this, it’s all you need
Here's what it can do, and it's very transparent.

Cheers George
Nice unit, it is a silly price, I would add balance, and remote control, and mute to take a phone call.
I have two of these, absolutely love them, and the third system has a Luxman pre with tone controls on the remote.  Tone controls of some sort are a necessity; not always needed, but when they are, they are wonderful.