Why "rolled off"?
Specs say:
Carbons 38Hz-35Khz +/- 3 db
Focals 39Hz - 28kHz +/- 3dB
ML 60 xti 35–25,000 Hz ±3dB
In actual listening experiences, bass notes were present in the towers that were not even registering in the bookshelves, while slightly higher pitched bass notes were not taut in the bookshelves, even with solid state. Kind of didn’t expect them to be, and they weren’t. But they’re bookshelves, right? They sounded really good. But down at the bottom, how could they compete? Maybe if I had a 300w amp, the difference would disappear, especially since the bookshelves are harder to drive.
I was also wondering if a lack of lows is contributing to the brightness.There is no lack of lows in my room. The lows are fine, deep, right, taut. No problem.
Why "rolled off"?
Specs say:
Carbons 38Hz-35Khz +/- 3 db
Focals 39Hz - 28kHz +/- 3dB
ML 60 xti 35–25,000 Hz ±3dB
In actual listening experiences, bass notes were present in the towers that were not even registering in the bookshelves, while slightly higher pitched bass notes were not taut in the bookshelves, even with solid state. Kind of didn’t expect them to be, and they weren’t. But they’re bookshelves, right? They sounded really good. But down at the bottom, how could they compete? Maybe if I had a 300w amp, the difference would disappear, especially since the bookshelves are harder to drive.