Thank you so much for responding. The old days, one could go to a number of Los Angeles stereo chain stores...Federated, Pacific Stereo, Now Sound, Rogers Sound Labs, Cal Stereo...and so many others. Now...I just want to listen to the 3 different cartridges mentioned above. I know that each have their own isn't better, per se, than the others...just being able to fine tune a need and preference. I want the AT 760...the highest end of the Moving Magnet type. I will not move into MC carts. That is a whole other world. though, I do like the "sweet" sound of AT. I might just go with the Shibata and be done with it...which may require me to go with the AT 750 instead.
I am just wondering if my Dual 1219 will do this AT high-end moving magnet cartridge justice...while dealing with the 92 degree factor and the azimuth too. Like I mentioned earlier, I might need shims for the 92 degree issue...not sure....and lastly...the platter mat...I wonder if that will affect the set up.
There I go...rambling again.
What a hobby. We are always leaning forward, into the wind...looking for that sweet spot of sound.
Thanks for reading.