I already own a great sounding DAC, the Lindemann Musicbook DSD. And now Lindemann offers an upgrade which entirely replaces the contents within in skin for less than $2K.
But, mental illness has me wishing for a new dac. It happens in audio. And mental illness along with age has me grappling at various types of dacs.
I thought first about the Doge Audio Doge7. But those guys didn't respond to my last email as they are so busy selling product - a good thing no problemo. Love to see success in this tough competitive industry.
Then I thought about a Terminator. Then the Holo May KTE. Then the Rockna Wavelight after Terry's review. Now I'm on to the Audiobyte stack. And that got confusing as I go through reviews of such confusing Hydra Vox with Hydra Zap, Wave this Wave that, Hydra this Hydra that, Vox Rockna, Byte, heck, I just want a great sounding DAC :)
OCDguy has got some great videos comparing some nice DAC's. That APL through YouTube then my computer headphones made me want the APL. Then I searched the price. No APL for me :( The Audiobyte sounded great and with the coming of the server streamer clocked to the DAC, should be a very good sound.
I'm trying to glean differences between the Wavelight and the Audiobyte Hydra Zap stack, all 3 boxes which gives me a FPGA based DAC, clean power and a server streamer.
Thanks for your help.