Quad ESL service, Electrostatic Solutions or Quads Unlimited ?

      My Quad ESL 63 US Monitors are finally needing help after 28 years of good service. Has anybody worked with Electrostatic Solutions or Quads Unlimited ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
                      Regards, Mike
@julimac @osborne @esl57addict I share in your frustration.

The first par of 57’s I ever heard was right after college and fell in love but never got a chance to own any. Sometime around March 2019 I told myself that I wanted to finally get a pair but knew that they would most likely have to be restored so after some research I decided to call Wayne Picquet at quads unlimited and find out what he was all about. He told me that he had a pair in need of restoration and he would sell them to me along with his "complete mint restoration" level and custom stands for $4900 all in with shipping. Now, I admit, I did read online forums that said he always took longer than he said but none at the time about just not getting speakers at all from him. I was ok with the longer wait time as I was in no hurry and just wanted the best set I could get. So in May 2019 I sent him the full amount. From there it was empty promise after empty promise and excuse after excuse but he at least picked up the phone. Sometime after October 2019 he never picked up the phone again and just stopped responding to phone calls. Every so often (2 weeks to 2 months) I would get a random text message, after sending many to him, with seriously unbelievable excuses. To be honest I never even gave him a hard time until earlier this year when it became apparent to my naive self that I might not actually get anything. So, it’s now August 2020 and I have no speakers and feel totally screwed out of the money. I don’t know what else to do but if you or anybody else is serious about a class action lawsuit or any other form of legal action please count me in. I have given him every benefit of the doubt humanly possible and he really took advantage of me. I hope he is ok and doing well but to be honest, health problems or not, this is not how you treat people.
This PK guy sounds like a criminal running a scam at this point. Perhaps law enforcement needs to be in involved.
I agree, noromance, it is time to get some remedy to PK's fraudulent behavior. 
However, we do not have any relevant experience and are not sure yet where to start. If anyone has advice on next steps/getting law enforcement involved, please let me know.  I am prepared to get the ball rolling.
I took pictures of my speaker serial numbers, so can at least identify them if they ever turn up...