Wall mounting on studs

Hi everyone,

I'm mounting my turntable on the wall, and the shelf system is designed to span over 3 studs (and uses all 3). Since my studs in the wall are currently not where I want them to be, I'm just going to open up the wall and install new studs so my shelf can be installed exactly where I want it to be. My question is, should I just add new studs running vertically from floor to ceiling, or can I add 2x4s horinzontally between the existing studs that are 16" apart? I'm not concerned about cost or difficulty - I just want to know from a performance point of view, what's best to minimize vibration to the shelf?


I have a similar set up though mine only uses 2 studs. I mounted it where the studs were and that forced my hand a little as they weren’t exactly where I was hoping thy would be but only by a couple inches. 
The one thing my audio dealer recommended, and therefore I designed around, was mounting my turntable to a foundational wall to minimize vibration. This has worked out extremely well for me. Realize this may not be an option for you but if it is it’s highly recommended. YMMV. 
If adding studs horizontally, have each horizontal stud 'rest' on short vertical studs screwed to the existing vertical studs on either side.  Then screw the horizontal stud to these extra 'shelf' studs. This will also give you some extra mass. 

Just adding horizontal studs isn't ideal.  You want some additional support.

Hope this helps.
You don’t mention how far off the stud location is vs desired mounting location. And as Feldman brought up, is this an interior or exterior wall? An exterior wall will be much more solid as an interior wall can still transfer foot fall. Another consideration is whether outlet boxes are on the side of the stud that you would be adding the new stud, also will you have horizontal runs of Romex wiring to negotiate. 
If your current studs are only a few inches off from desired location, would you consider a horizontal brace fastened to the wall and then mount the shelf to it. You could cut the length to have equally balanced extensions on each end if possible finish to match and it would appear to be part of the original design. It would also help to know the make of the shelf so we could see the design.

To add mass and reduce vibrations in the wall:

1- After installing additional vertical and horizontal studs, pack the space between all the lumber with sound absorbing insulation material. People have their preferences, one being Roxul Safe ’n’ Sound.

2- Then put up the sheetrock, and for a giant leap in vibration reduction, add a second layer of differing thickness (for a different resonant frequency profile. 3/4" and 1/2" is a good combination), with---most importantly---ASC (Acoustic Sciences Corp.) Wall Damp material between the layers. WD is a 1/16" thick viscoelastic material designed to absorb mechanical vibrations, and it’s effect is HUGE!

I have visited a listening room (that of Audiogon member folkfreak, in his Portland Oregon home) constructed with the complete ASC system (which includes materials that greatly reduce the transmission of vibrations through the building structure), and the walls were like stone. For those interested in isolation, folkfreak had his Magico loudspeakers sitting on Townshend Audio Seismic Podiums, a great product. The rest of his system was an EAR-Yoshino table with two arms and cartridges, a DCS Vivaldi digital stack, an ARC Reference pre (model 10 or 40, I don’t recall), and VTL power amps. Very, very nice.

Details on ASC Wall Damp are available on the company’s website. Very affordably priced, and very effective. Also great for DIY shelves, the WD placed between two layers of stiff material. Stiff materials often ring (ever rapped a piece of unsupported marble? Rings like a bell!), and WD makes them almost completely silent. As with walls, use different thicknesses for each layer, and even completely different materials. Stiff and quiet, every woman’s dream date. ;-)

I always use a vertically placed 2x6 screwed in between suds.  Gives me a little more inches of play up & down.