
I was wondering if someone can explain if it is appropriate for a vendor to charge buyers the sales tax rate where the vendor is located instead of the sales tax rate where the purchaser is located, for an online purchase? MusicDirect is located in Chicago where the sales tax rate is 10.25%. I live in Illinois but not in Chicago where the sales tax rate is 6.25%. MusicDirect persists on charging me 10.25% when Amazon, eBay and other vendors charge me 6.25%. They have told me that they charge me 10.25% because the have “a physical nexus to Chicago”. Well I do not. Using MusicDirect’s logic Upscale Audio should be charging me California sales tax, which they do not. Anyone care to explain to me if MusicDirect is correct in their practice and why? Thanks. 
Ag insider logo xs@2xkingbarbuda
@tvad Thanks for that helpful info. So how does that explain @ohlala ‘s experience in being out of state and being charged their local sales tax rate and not MusicDirect’s local sales tax rate? 
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Anyone that lives in Illinois will be charged the Chicago rate.Those that live in another state will pay what their state mandates.
Ok. Thanks everyone. Interesting input from everyone. I learned that some state’s sales tax is “origin based”. I think that is important to know and it is never discussed (until now, to my knowledge). Well that is “the terrain upon which I am deployed”. So I know what I need to do (which is what I have been doing). I was just hoping this was a mistake. Oh well. Onward...
If you don't like it shop around. Most of what they carry is available elsewhere.
Now daze ya gotta go to the checkout to find a comparable total.