Question For Those That Watch Movies/TV Through Your Two Channel System

Do you leave your Preamp/Integrated in stereo mode or switch to Mono?
Does the dialog lose the clarity that you usually get with a center channel

The reason I ask is because I gifted my son a Node 2i and we connected it
to his entry level Denon AV receiver. He has 3 Mirage speakers LCR, no 
surrounds. Obviously, an Integrated Amp would result in better two channel
sound, but would it be detrimental to watching BluRay movies.

He has a turntable setup in another room with Yamaha, Rega and Harbeth,
but he wanted the Node 2i in the main family room where it would get the most
I should also say that if you do use a center, it should be matched, or at least reasonably the same quality as the sides.

Using a very small center, with limited dynamic range and power handling, with a L/R pair that is not as restricted will show up at moderate to high volume listening.
Eric, I think most of the issues have been covered by those above me.
Unless the sound source is miles away our vision can an does override our hearing and speech will be localized to the individual talking. With a good system imaging correctly a center channel is totally unnecessary and maybe even detrimental. If you look at my system you will see a very big screen and no center channel. I do not even use surround speakers.
I would rather put the money into my 2 channel gear. 
Set the system up and live with it for a while. I suspect that you will not feel the need for a center channel. 
I just watched a Blu-ray movie in 5.1....could hardly understand the words.   That's true of tv as well.....sometimes it comes through fine...other times bad.  I think they produce it at a low resolution rate.
@stringreen Yes, I've had that same problem with my HT system, Parasound 5 channel amp, Marantz AV processor, Paradigm speakers.
Sometimes I just turn on the captions.

@mijostyn Thanks, maybe my son's Christmas present this year will be an integrated amp.
With a good system imaging correctly a center channel is totally unnecessary and maybe even detrimental.

You can type this all you want to, but the math and science, and my own experience in motion picture auditoriums and my own listening rooms disagree, so good luck to you.

The positive effect is of course magnified for off-center listeners. A recording with a dense sound field and effects going around the room really show this off well.  Another area that makes this clear is with otherwise unintelligible dialogues.  There are a couple of places in LotR where dialogue is muddled unless the center is dialed in just right.  Of course, there are discussions about why modern movies are sounding worse and worse, that's a separate topic. I am just saying that there are at least 3 important cases when a center improves things. Is it worth x dollars???? Tough call.

But as I have written, in your average modest living space, the effects are small, but positive. For a great thread on this subject which goes into the science and pros and cons, please read here:

Yes, I have heard dedicated center channels improve intelligibility and the overall experience in your average living room. No, it’s not huge. If your choices are to get a poorly performing or poorly placed center without EQ vs. nothing, go with nothing.

I yield my time.
