Audiophiles must be careful with their remotes, vs. items on ebay.

Yes, anyone can loose a remote especially when moving.  That said, I have never lost a remote and neither have any of my friends or relatives.  The thought is not AudiogoN, but the number of items missing remotes on ebay can make a person wonder about that unit's history and ownership. 

Kind of like a camera, car, computer, or other consumer item that are missing something....I can't say I have noticed much of that, but ebay audio components with missing remotes is fairly common.  I guess that should not be a concern, as I have lost a few ladies in my past.....I could swear they were just here a little while ago?

You'll find that missing remote hanging out with the socks that escaped from the wash/dry interval....and that drug that got dropped and disappeared.  Yeah, that one that would likely be (if not lethal) a life-changing event for the pet....:-/
The last time I checked, my amplifier's new remote cost $400. Since I learned that, I have been taking very very good care of it. Who knows, maybe they did drop the price since then.

Hey. Lose n up.

Just push everything on a SL-600 and put the originals in a safe place.
A SL-600, or An SL-600?

(I am from the title of another thread)

By the way, R129 SL 600 (no hyphen) is still a candy.

Could be wrong but I suspect quite a few sellers intentionally withhold the remote and sell it separately at a later time.