Pass Labs int 60 vs. Luxman 590 uX ii

Any opinions when matched with Focal 1038 be? An Aesthetx Mima just became available and looks pretty good...All 3 in the same price range...Any experience with these 3 and the Focal?
Since your speakers are pretty efficient you probably could use a lower powered class A amp.  The luxman and pass labs are both excellent choices.  It seems that a class A or strong bias in class A to A/B would be a good way to go with the focals.  Mike at Suncoast Audio carries both and he is a really good source of information (no affiliation with him).
I would look at the Naim Audio Super Nait 3 integrated. Naim and Focal are part of the same company. My dealer sells both Naim and Focal and they make an excellent pairing.
The Luxman L-590 isn't low powered. The 30watts is presumably the Class A rating, the amp will produce 90watts/channel into 8 ohms, according to a couple of reviews where it was actually measured. Nearly doubles that into 4 ohms.
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I would look at the Naim Audio Super Nait 3 integrated. Naim and Focal are part of the same company. My dealer sells both Naim and Focal and they make an excellent pairing.

wisdom here i think...