Keith Jarrett on the importance of audio sound quality

My little contribution to the forum.

Leave aside KJ is my favorite pianist, his trio my favorite trio (RIP Gary Peacock).

Found this article, him talking about the importance of reproduction quality of what he records.

Good read, many good points that elicit reflection and appreciation.
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Particularly like the Charles Ives' quote. Would make a great separate thread topic. 
You might notice that Keith Jarrett did not last very long with Miles and that none of Mile's players at the time ever related to Jarrett again very much unlike say, Herbie Hancock and Wayne Shorter who are glued together at the hips. 
I have an original vinyl copy of the Sun Bear Concerts. Only one LP was ever played, once. It is a testament to a man whose ego is the largest Jazz has ever seen. I just remember him for his phenomenal singing voice.
Needless to say I have no interest in whatever he thinks of high fidelity reproduction. 
Jarrett played a special piano with 97 keys called a Bosendorfer because he liked the additional body in the sound produced by the resonance of the additional bass notes. 

I adore Jarrett's playing but I find him unlistenable because of his quirky vocalizations he does while playing. I just can't get past it.