This is not a binary proposition: that one either uses telephone wire or spend tens of thousands of dollars to achieve great sound. To look at it that way will ensure that you’ll never find out.
Yes, there are those out there who believe money will solve all their problems, with audio being the least of them. There’s a huge middle ground, a grey area, where you’ll find happiness as long as you ignore the trolling naysayers who’s mission in life is to conflate extreme cost on one hand, and garden variety hookup wire on the other, as the only two viable options you have.
Entertain them at your peril.
All the best,
Yes, there are those out there who believe money will solve all their problems, with audio being the least of them. There’s a huge middle ground, a grey area, where you’ll find happiness as long as you ignore the trolling naysayers who’s mission in life is to conflate extreme cost on one hand, and garden variety hookup wire on the other, as the only two viable options you have.
Entertain them at your peril.
All the best,