Can I use 24 gauge speaker cable?

I’ve been trying to google this but I only get vague answers.
I want to know if I can use 24 gauge cable as speaker cable. And if not: why not?
Usual answers are “no, you should use xx gauge”, but I’m looking for why is that? Will the speakers of the amp go off in flames if the resistance is too high? I don’t even get that because the resistance isn’t even that much of a difference between speaker cable sizes, compared to the speakers resistance.

I’m talking about ca 16ft / 5m distance between amp and speaker. By the way should that measure 16 ft or double (32ft because one cable is plus and the other minus)?
This is not a binary proposition: that one either uses telephone wire or spend tens of thousands of dollars to achieve great sound. To look at it that way will ensure that you’ll never find out.

Yes, there are those out there who believe money will solve all their problems, with audio being the least of them. There’s a huge middle ground, a grey area, where you’ll find happiness as long as you ignore the trolling naysayers who’s mission in life is to conflate extreme cost on one hand, and garden variety hookup wire on the other, as the only two viable options you have.

Entertain them at your peril.

All the best,
I even think I’m the last one to laugh, as there are seriously people who believe their system will sound like a Grand Opera House because they spent literally tens of thousands of dollars on a couple of feet of cable, putting them on tiny wooden elevations costing just as much...
@sjeesjie, I feel your pain. I wanted to ask why anybody would spend $6,000 on an FM Tuner nowadays (current highlighted listing on the Audiogon webpage)....but I knew I would get berated. Can you think of a reason to spend $6,000 on an FM Tuner made in 1974? Are there radio signals floating around worth that much?
I can understand you point of view. In fact, I shared it, too, until recently.
That is until I demoed some new AQ cables. The fact that they replaced some earlier AQ cables, yet still outperformed, speaks volumes to what a cable can do.-Though they are a lot stiffer/larger than what you are considering.
I would PM other Audiogon members,
And, no, I don't think throwing money on cables is going to make a system sound like the 'Grand Opera House', but they do make a difference.
PM me, I might be able to help you decide for yourself.

You can use 24AWG speaker wire but I would advise against it. Dynamic speakers, in general, have their lowest impedance at low frequencies and small gauge wire will result in reduced bass. The solution is to use larger gauge wire. 14AWG speaker wire should be more than adequate for most applications.

The issue of generic vs "boutique" is a separate issue and not relevant for this discussion.
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