The Saskia is driven from a very complex motor controller that probably synthesizes the AC supplied to the motor, designed and built by Mark Kelly for the Saskia. Mark probably also had a hand in selecting the type of motor (AC synchronous, etc) to be driven by his controller. Maybe Win Tinnon will chime in here.
Mijostyn, I wouldn’t be so sure about the value of adding the Eclipse system to a modern day SOTA turntable, unless I had heard an example both ways, playing music with and without the Eclipse. Have you done that? If not, maybe you shouldn't dismiss the Eclipse system so peremptorily. I don’t know how good is the base motor and power supply, so I too cannot say for sure that the Eclipse would improve SQ over the base PS and motor, but I do know that the Phoenix Eagle/Roadrunner system was a very worthwhile addition to my highly modified Lenco, which was beforehand being driven from an expensive "motor controller". The original motor controller was way better than AC from the wall, and the Eagle/Roadrunner was another step up from that. (If you don’t know, the Eagle/Roadrunner form the basis for the Eclipse system as licensed by SOTA, except SOTA add their own special motor to that package.)