change amps or speakers

I am powering Eminent technology LFT8bs with quicksilver M60 monoblocks.  No preamp - I am running a dac directly to the amps, which works because with this configuration I am using very little attenuation.  Problem is it is obvious that the ETs require more current and/or wattage- the detail is there but not the punch and there are times when I am maxed out on volume at 12 0'clock and need more. Question is do I change the amps or speakers - I love the quicksilvers and put some serious $ into modifications.  A well respected friend/tech highly suggested I seek out a used pair of PSB stratus golds. I have a medium sized family room and like detail neutrality but need more rhythm and dynamics. Thanks you.
Hi majorc, 
In an earlier post you mentioned the Goldmund Dialogue speakers that impressed with their sound quality. These are 96 db sensitivity and reputed to have a fairly easily driven speaker load.  Are these speakers available to you used? Your QS amplifiers would coast driving these speakers. In your price range take a look at the Tekton Audio Perfect SET speakers. Very efficient and easy to drive.  Another option is the Canadian  Coherent Audio speakers made in Toronto.
By chance have you heard your LFT8 speakers in an audio store with quality tube amp or monos at 100wpc+? (or solid state amp) I’ve heard them locally with 100pc tube amps (QS Mono 120s with KT150s) in fact, and they are wonderful sounding speakers; even compared to $5k 2-way Audio Note speakers along the same lines as the Salk/Fritz. Your LFT8s can give off a sound a smaller box speaker cannot replicate in the same way. Don’t mean to push, but those are nice speakers with the right preamp/amp combination. Can sound wonderful given a chance, I’ve heard them at least 20+ times and enjoyed them every time with the right pre/amp, and particularly when fed with a really good Audio Note DAC and Audio Note preamp, wow. Can be amazing. Keep them if you can!

+1 charles1dad,
what he said. With the lower power and older version EL34 based QS monos, many go for a more efficient speaker, several collegues in my areas with those amps, and many settled on speakers 92-100db sensitivity. With the newer QS Monos with KT88s, I’ve heard them with mid efficiency speakers 88-92db sensitivity, and they can do pretty well but with a good active (non-passive) preamp with some gain helps too. btw, I've heard the Sonic Frontiers preamp you have and tried,  it was a little bit more laid back...a buddy of mine had one for 3 years, and he ended up parting with it for an Audible Illusions Modulus III that drove his RM EL34 tube amp a lot better for his less efficient 88db Totem speakers, Similar scenario as yours. Sorta know what you are referring to.    

@hilde45 can tell you all about the Salk and Fritz after having completed an exhaustive review using the latest (larger transformer) QS Mono 60s, an offline discussion with him might help there too.

Actually I have never heard them at their best - I purchased them upon the recommendation of a tech - a local guy that works out of his house and would come to my home. Issue is I put some serious $ with that tech into modding the quicksilvers - and it was a huge improvement - if I change amps I will never recoup that.   As I stated earlier when we recognized the mismatch he recommended an Eagle 2Cprime amp - I tried it and it gave my slightly more volume/dynamics but the magic/liquidity was not there like with the quickslivers. One option is to swap the tubes for KT88s and then if that does not do it add a preamp, but I always understood that it is important to get the speaker amp match right and then add a preamp if necessary.  Any recommendations for a preamp would be welcome, and I know Mike Sanders will send me the quicksilver preamp to audition.  I have one source - a computer.  

Given you like your speakers and the QS amps, my thinking is with those who recommend trying the KT88 tubes and an active preamp.