Absolutely wrong millercarbon it is for both dust and static.
@lalitk that version is very nicely made. It has one major failing. It uses hair for it's bristles. It is not that conductive. The ones I have always used use conductive carbon fiber bristles like this one
https://www.sleevecityusa.com/Antistatic-Record-Cleaning-Arm-p/tac-01.htmYou'll also note a very competitive price. Once adjusted correctly the sweep arm will track along with the arm picking up any incidental dust on the way and it will clear everything on the record if the record is relatively clean to start with. I also use a dust cover during play which also serves to keep the dust down. There are no down sides to its use, none. If there is any static on the record to begin with the sweep will short it all out and if you use sleeves that will not collect static you will never have a static problem. You can see it in action on my system page.
As for dust cover use I have gained one very powerful ally in that regard.
Mark Doehmann. There will be two upgrades to the Dohmann Helix in the near future, a vacuum platter and a dust cover to be used during play. He maintains as I always have that attenuation of sound traveling through air further isolates the turntable and increases reproduction accuracy. Notice I did not say, "improves sound." I think it does, some may not. It certainly improves record cleanliness and helps keep dust away from the stylus. It obviously does not keep the stylus from disappearing:(