bwang29, you have stumbled across the major benefit and shortcomings of the .7. Low bass is always going to be an issue for dipoles but the .7 is also cut a little short in the high end also. It will never match the ability of a dynamic point source speaker to totally load a room 40 Hz to 20 kHz.
Which is exactly what you do not want a speaker to do! The improvement in imaging and depth you notice is because the .7 does not do that. What frequencies it produces are radiated into the room in a specific pattern that avoids many room interactions. By itself it is not going to play metal at 105 dB but down the line if you add subwoofers like Audio Kinesis's swarm system and if the AB amp you are getting is powerful enough that also will be no problem. Good job listening! 3.7i's will blow your doors off.
You have been sucked into the dipole club. Enjoy.
Which is exactly what you do not want a speaker to do! The improvement in imaging and depth you notice is because the .7 does not do that. What frequencies it produces are radiated into the room in a specific pattern that avoids many room interactions. By itself it is not going to play metal at 105 dB but down the line if you add subwoofers like Audio Kinesis's swarm system and if the AB amp you are getting is powerful enough that also will be no problem. Good job listening! 3.7i's will blow your doors off.
You have been sucked into the dipole club. Enjoy.