Constant noisy tubes maybe go solid state?

I have a Quicksilver Line Stage Preamp (12AT7) mated to an Odyssey Khartago Stereo. Overall I like it. Way too much gain but I digress. Weeks after receiving it I rolled in a few different tubes, kinda fun to color the sound signature. I liked rhe RXA black plates I got and those stuck around for more than a year. They started going microphonic and making noises so I ordered another pair (noisy) then another different vendor (blasts of white noise) and another set that arrived today (one is noisy as holy hell and one seems fine).

So where does one order preamp quality tunes that are quiet? Is there something I’m not requesting when ordering? Maybe dump
snd go solid state? I’m trying to be humorous because I’m pissed. Ha.
I check my own. I buy in lots and bulk, have for 40 + years. The folks here will chime in on Vendors that will check and MATCH your valves.
DON'T pay a lot of money, but don't cheap out.. 12AT7s there is a slough of those around at good prices..and quality matched valves..12AX7s you can spend a few quid, more than 12AT7.

BUT if the shine has wore off... go SS it is easier in the long run... Me I've always used Valves, kind of second nature... I had to be pushed into SS.
Its great stuff, though...

Kevin will sort you out. Call rather than ordering and explain your situation. I haven’t ruled out that there could be some other factor at play. 
I've boxes of tubes that were once enjoyed and ultimately replaced for better and better ones. Most were quiet but you get the odd noisy one. But that's part of the fun.
After many years (20+) trying different tubes my go-to now is JJ from Not because they are the absolute best - although they are better than most I've tried that's just me in my Melody. But I have never had a problem with any JJ tube. Maybe I'm just getting old or jaded or something but with so many other things out there that can make a much bigger difference with nowhere near the risk of headaches of tube rolling I go with the tried and true JJ.  

BUT, if I really did want to try something different the man I would call is Dave Thompson at Raven Audio.
@millercarbon thanks I will look into the JJ’s. I believe the QS came with them and while they did sound good overall they seemed to have a bump in the midrange that my speakers also seem to have. Might be too much but will look.