Wish I had put more emphasis on cables earlier

I've just realized how cables are very important to allow your other equipment to sound it's best. Wish I had put more investment in IC and speaker cables from the onset. They provide the most change/improvement per dollar imo. 
Wow. Maybe I can get in before the naysayers make the thread worthless. I was skeptical as most are. Especially about PC. But I've come to understand that everything counts. One mistake I may have made early on when I bought my cables is putting a lot of silver in my system. That was 15 yrs ago. And just lately I was reminded of that and its  possibility of causing me to have to fight brightness in my system. My general motto is that anything worth doing is worth doing to excess. So all silver wires is what I ended up with. Now I'm considering "Audio Envy" cables which are supposedly some giant killers. 45 day return and reasonable cost. Great reviews. They will be my next cable adventure. Oh BTW PCs are copper and they made a difference worthy of their cost or more. 
The cables and power cords arguments go around and around. As I researched this, I saw the same arguments going back for years. The "try it and see" people get scorched by the "well, once you spend the money you have to believe it" people. The "everything matters" people get scorched by the "wire in your wall" people. I’m with the "try it and see" people, tempered by the idea that unless you have unlimited $$s, it's best to consider (a) what you want and (b) whether you might achieve that more effectively with other changes. And my sense of humor never falters because, at the end of the day, this is a recreational hobby with discretionary income. 

The "try it and see" people get scorched by the "well, once you spend the money you have to believe it"
I see that argument too and it seems quite illogical since many if not most offer a 30 - 60 day return. If they want to KNOW whether cables makes a difference, then take the 30 day challenge. Under the return policy there is no obligation to like it. Send it back. But logical procedure and curiosity both are in short supply. 

@artemus_5 , 
My dealer, Audioconnection, sold me the AQ Thunders. He said if I didn't like them, I could send them back. 
Don't get me started on the William Tell speaker cables...