Looking for a new integrated amp

I am looking at three different choices for a new integrated amp. My budget is about $2000. The amps that I am considering are: 1. Rogue Sphinx V3   2. Creek EVO100A    3. Musical Fidelity M5si. What are everyone's experiences with these amps? Does one outshine the others? My taste in music are primarily rock, blues, and classical. My preferences are a wide and deep soundstage with a lot of detail. The rest of my system includes Pro Ject turntable with a ZYX Bloom 3 cartridge, Lounge LCR mkIII and Lounge Copla (both with the silver wire upgrade) and Tekton Double Impact speakers. Opinions on what would sound best with what I have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks....
My experience is limited. I will say that I like the Atoll INT200 and it is very well built with dual transformers. I got mine used for $1100. It sounds great. The reviews I've heard/read of the Rogue V3 sound outstanding, too. Well regarded company.
I've had the Musical Fidelity M5si, the Creek Evo, and the Sphinx V1.  Of the three, I preferred the Musical Fidelity.  In my system it had seemingly unlimited power, good detail, and a deep soundstage.  The Creek was also nice - a smooth sound, very easy to listen to.  I didn't think it brought out low level details as well as the M5si, and it wasn't quite as dynamic as the MF.  My Rogue was V1, and it was far too noisy.  Haven't heard the V3.

Cheers, Scott