Talk Thunder 3.1b CDP?

Does anyone else own one? How do you like them? Is it considered a good player for the money. I don't see much about them on the websites but am curious on what their known for. Any opinions or experience with this player would be appreciated. I think it is quite good but compared to what? I have not heard 99% of the players out their so I don't know if I can do better for the money. Nowhere local will let me take a player home to demo without purchasing it first and then returning it if not suitable. What players might be good to listen to. I obviously would like to better the Talk.
Does any one else think their just ok but overpriced?I got mine for $3500 CND new.
don't freak. talk makes no nonsense, neutral sounding digital front ends. all all considered among the best in their class. lots of the british stuff is less because it is made in china. talk is british all the way.