BlueSound Stinks(!), anyone?

I am looking for your help.  We recently switched from Sonos to BlueSound to get higher streaming rates.  So far we have had consistent problems and issues(!!).  Specifically, about 50% of the time my and my wife's BlueSound app does not recognize the Node 2i's.  When I delete the app, reinstall it and reconnect the Nodes, we again have the same problems at least 50% of the time.  It is simply a joke of a product and I find we are not alone.  I have tried just about everything.

Also, when I go online to get help, I find that I am not alone and there is a tsunami of negative (to the degree of very hostile) comments about BlueSound and for the most part it is the same issue.  I have tried just about everything and I am about to simply trash/sell mine and go back to Sonos.  If I do go back to Sonos, I will also leave a stream of bad comments on every forum I can since going back to Sonos will represent a big financial loss to me simply because Bluesound is an irresponsible/deceptive company at my expense.

Alternatively, I just want it to reliably work.  Do you you have and advice and/or guidance to get Bluesound to reliably work?  Is there a better alternative to to get higher bit rates thank Bluesound?

Thank you in advance for your help.  Dave

Don’t reinstall. In Android hold the app icon for a second, press App info. Select Storage & cache. Select Clear storage.
Restart app.
Yes it’s flakey. No you don’t have to change the app IP like others. It’s auto.
Ditch WiFi
Most streamers sound about the same depending on power supply and of course DAC. BluOS is the flakiest I’ve seen. In rising order MoOde, custom Volumio and LogitechMedisServer/Orange Squeeze are all more stable AND easier.
Just contact Bluesound via the app.
It takes a while, but they do get back to you. 
I have had issues with my Nodes, but Bluesound always came through.
Perhaps not as quick as I would like, but they did persevere to rectify the issue.
For the money, Bluesound is a very good deal.
The only other streamer I would consider is Aurender. But, then you are limited to Qobuz and Tidal.
FWIW, I get high rez on Qobuz with my Node's -the original cubes.
Yes, I have had issues, but, as I said, Bluesound did correct them.
Streaming is a new technology and issues will arise. 
I say, give them a chance to make good.
I will give BlueSound a few more chances although Sonos worked so well it set the bar vary high and of course, Sonos is less expensive.  

Does anyone know if the new S2 Sonos software will allow high res rates?  I was just reading up on it and it seems to set the stage to allow for higher rates.  That would work for me and if I struggle anymore with Bluesound I could at least get higher rates back at Sonos....and no frustration.  Thanks, 

It can be frustrating. 

If at all possible, connect your Node via Ethernet as opposed to WiFi.  My problems went away completely when I did.  You can get a bridge or set up a mesh network and plug into the Ethernet ports on one of your waypoints.  

Frankly, that’s an easier solution than replacing the router (which is sometimes called for when there are WiFi stability issues).  And, you’ll get the benefit of better WiFi coverage in your home, too.

Good luck.