Where will be hi-end audio in 2050?

any thoughts on that?
Fpeel, the music will be available only on mobile, 69G technology. (Wires are an artifact of the past). Auditioning: virtual. Panel-style speakers will double as a wall, exotic models will also allow video & virtual-reality experience. Latest technology by Bose. Styling by B&O. Amplification available thru your local ASP central, relayed via wireless, power-enhanced technology.
The tube question: do I replace tubes on my g-dad's what's it called -- or purchase Siemens (after all siemens DID produce the stuff a while back; maybe a better deal).
TT has exited the global vocabulary.
Morale: hold on to your tubes, your TTs, even your SSs; maybe the rage in 2050!
There will be solid, empirical evidence that bi-wiring and power cords do make a difference. Sony will be introducing the new SACDIII and will slowly release titles starting with "Kind of Blue". Unfortunately, you won't be able to hear the perfect sound forever unless you buy their new player. My Bryston will finally die.
"Computer, play the Bruno Walter version of the Mahler Second but replace the choir with the one from the Solti/Chicago version."
I don't think I'll much care by that point as hopefully I'll be 90 by then and no doubt my hearing will be shot and maybe I'll be in a "home" for old audiophiles. I'll probably take more time to wheel myself to the park where I'll enjoy live summer concerts and I'll look forward to my daily sponge bath from that really cute nurse...