Looking for a speaker for my LM 845 Premium

Today I have the Tekton Double Impact, but now matter what I match them with there are some hardness / brightness in the mid range.
I am looking for a high efficiency speaker for my 30W tube amp.
sensitivity > 92db
impedance min. at any frequency 4 ohm.
My room 25m2

And if possible made in Europe, Why? because import from the US add 1/3 on top of the price, and more if it’s a very heavy speaker.
Tannoy would be recommended as something to look at. The Prestige series in particular. Not sure of your budget. 
I'll tell anyone who will listen that, if you want high efficiency and incredible mid-range, go with Omega Speakers. 
For a really inexpensive solution, get the Schiit Loki equalizer. (a little over $100.)
Doesn’t degrade the sound, but cures a lot of ills.